The milestone of 400,000 mobile applications in the portal Play the Google Store (formerly Market) dates only from January 2012, but according to Distimo, mobile specialist analytical tools, the portal would cross the threshold of 500,000 applications.
The portal would have earned 100,000 applications in the space of four months when the Apple App Store has grown at the same time 63 000 software, the Windows Phone Marketplace for 35 000 and 22 of BlackBerry App World 000.
If the portals Play Store and App Store growth curves followed almost parallel, the last months, the first to approach slowly the second, although the gap is still quite considerable (over 100 000 applications, considering only the quantitative aspect).
Distimo notes that most of the Android applications distributed on the portal Play Store are free and that the proportion of applications with mechanisms in-app purchasing is low (2%) whereas it is much more present on the App Store (6% to 10% iPhone and iPad applications).